13 January 2016


After the excitement of the December overnight visit, January was very quiet by comparison.  Only one bird came in during the evening and this was a regular visitor. 


However a 2013 chick caught for the first time in December was found in a burrow during the day.  This was surprising as adults found in burrows during the day (without sitting on an egg or chick) is not common at all.   


The chick in burrow 15 was alive and very well fed.  He weighed 478 gms which is significantly heavier than adults.  He still had plenty of down so won’t be fledging for another two weeks or so.


23 January 2016 – Wellington Anniversary Weekend


As I was staying on Matiu/Somes Island over Wellington Anniversary Weekend with friends, I visited the colony.  Three adult shearwaters visited the colony one night.


The chick was still present weighing 442 gms on Saturday.  It had lost all it’s down and was ready to go.  By Monday after being out of his burrow exercising his wings at night his weight had dropped to 427 gms.  DOC rangers checked on him the following day and on Wednesday morning, he had gone - fledged.  This is the second chick to be born on the island.  Both have the same parents and have now fledged.  The wait now begins to see when they will return.  

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